Top Ten Reasons to be an Architect

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Architecture is a beautiful profession that requires creativity and a lot of effort. The path to becoming a skilled architect is not a short one, nor is it easy. Depending on the country, it takes anywhere between five and seven years with necessary postgraduate training. However, the rewards that come with being a respectful architect are just too many to count. It’s what makes going through architecture school worth the while.

Here are the top ten reasons to be an architect, according to SDH Studio architects:

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University is Never Boring

While there is no argument that architectural school is challenging, it is also fascinating unlike many other schools. The entire experience is much more dynamic and proactive. You’ll get knowledge and learn vast theories from different fields and industries, including economics, philosophy, and social work.

Since architecture offers a wide range of knowledge, future architects usually find school demanding, exciting, and rewarding.

Gain Respect

Even when people don’t entirely understand what an architect does, there is a global perception about architects being responsible, knowledgeable, and ethical. It’s the fundamental reason why so many books and main movie characters are architects. Moreover, people rarely perceive them as money-drawn professionals like lawyers or doctors.

The Job Constantly Evolves

Programming and building technology are essential parts of architecture processes. The materials are constantly evolving, and so are technologies and construction methods. Moreover, things like energy consumption, recycled material usage, and building performance are under constant development. As an architect, you’ll evolve professionally along with the entire landscape. Work will never be tedious, and you’ll constantly grow professionally. If you’re hungry for knowledge and continuous improvement, architecture is perfect for you.

Experiment All You Want

The final product doesn’t have a right or wrong solution in architecture. Although architects must rely on building technology and precise science, no two architects will present the same idea even if they had the exact parameters. Experimenting is expected in architecture and there is always room (and a necessity) to include your personality in every project you execute. Moreover, architects are constantly trying new technologies, exploring various materials, and incorporating new processes into their projects.

Variety of Professional Options

When you graduate with an architecture degree, you don’t have to know what type of architecture you want to practice. Unlike many other professions, you’re free to choose out of many positions as an architecture graduate. You can work in small or big firms and float between roles like designer, project architect, or project manager. Architects work on various building types for different sectors. You may work in retail, residential, civic, or retail sectors until you figure out the one that suits you best.

Work for As Long as You Like

You can always practice architecture. Moreover, most architects reach the highest points in their careers in their 50s. By then, they fully understand who they are, what they want and love doing. Most architects have long, successful careers and many open private practices after they retire at big companies.


The way architecture as industry embraces the creativity and individualism of every person is one of the most beautiful things in architecture. It encourages you to unleash your creativity and find a style that manifests uniquely beyond your work. If you want to live an authentic, creative life and express your true self through work and lifestyle, architecture is perfect for you.


An architect is usually a specialist at literally everything. The exciting part of architecture studies is about learning a wide array of theories from different fields regularly. If you’re hungry for knowledge, you’ll be happy to know it extends to an architect’s working career.

An architect can never have too much knowledge. Every project is a new chance to include new technology, innovative ideas, and new processes. There are various construction methods to explore and successful organization theories to include in projects. As an architect, you’ll know a ton of things, and you’ll learn new ones all the time.

Improve People’s Lives

The pioneers of modern architecture wanted to create a better world for everyone, and architects worldwide have been working on that to this day. Practicing architecture allows you to impact people’s lives and change them for the better. Building family homes is an extraordinary experience, as many residential architects claim. Similarly, designing public or residential buildings is advantageous for architects who specialize in commercial architecture.

Architecture is a Way of Life

An architect doesn’t think of their work as a ‘job.’ Their passion for building designs goes much deeper. Architecture is their life, and they can rarely pass an interesting building without trying to figure out what technologies and processes the building creators had used. When you adore something like architects usually love their profession, it becomes a lifestyle.

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